Monday, August 12, 2019

I want to be a blessing to you!!! Just me!!

Hi, My name is Mommy Charisse Joy a mother of 2 kids. I grew up in the family of 4 boys was raised by my father for my mom is an OFW for as long as i remember. 

Im creating this blogging site to inspire others of our daily life. Motherhood, sister, friend and a daughter. A glimpse of of what life is it. Not an expert with anything but hoping to inspire other people with the things im going to share.

I am a mommy of Charmelle my 11yr old first born. Having a 
daughter is like having a sister that you were never had. We call her the unexpected blesssing as we are not really expecting her too soon.  Having her when i was in a peak of my career i never knew that i couldn't make it but who would have thought that for 11yrs its was just me who raised her.A lot of people say things that questioned myself if i could really be a good mother to my child. I remember when i found out that im pregnant i was really crying the whole 9 months thinking i would never be a good mother to her. 
 That is what other people always tell  me. For i was born in a silver spoon and raised like a princess with a lot of people around me helping me out with everything. But looking back at the things that happened i would still have a lot of people to say things about me that always questioned myself but as i look at my child saying you are the best mom in the world i knew then that im a working in progress. 

After almost 6 yrs of having my Charmelle i never knew i would still wanted to have a child one more time for the struggle of raising my daughter alone is really a struggle. But God really give things you dont really expect. Yes, your right we are trying for some reason i was convince that it was really hard to have only just one so we did it again. Praying that it will happen again but it was not that easy when we have our 2nd child. It took us almost 7months in the making. To the point where in we have to stop trying maybe Charmelle is enough. And just when you stop you are being blessed having a boy. And then he came our what we called planned child a blessing from GOD. Thats why we name him John Michael. 

And this is my family from 3 now embracing the 4. To my husband, it may be a rough road to us i will always be your lifetime partner in life. Thank you for all the lovc patience (yes patience talaga hahahaha!) and most of all for undying friendship. As Heart Escudero  say " FRIENDSHIP IS IMPORTANT IN THE RELATIONSHIP" So tatay thank you for being my bestest friend. Ay yab you alam mo na un... 

So that sums it up. This is me my family and all the ingredients in to it is a new flavor for your everyday reading. 

DISCLAIMER: Im not saying im expert in life and expert in anything. But im a working in progress. Ill share tips and hacks that i know that help me as mommy and help me as person. 

“[Motherhood is] the biggest gamble in the world. It is the glorious life force. It’s huge and scary—it’s an act of infinite optimism.” —Gilda Radner